Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Paper Advertisement

I have just sent off to my local paper the advert I want to run in this weeks edition. 

I need to see if there are others out there like me. 

Graffiti Crime Fighters

Join me in the fight against the graffiti scum of the 
inner west.You must have a digital camera, notepad and 
be able to walk the streets of Sydney's Inner West 
day and night. Minimum 18 hour commitment or don't bother.
It's not all hard work! We can talk about graffiti, rubbish and 
how bad our local council is while we walk. FUN!
Mother will make us sandwiches. YUM!

Must be willing to call me the 'Dark Knight' whilst 
on patrol and have a passing interest in being 
called 'Boy Wonder'. Sorry ladies.

NO CRIPPLES! I walk fast and I've never heard of a 
crime fighting retard, have you?

Call Guido Balonium on 02 5555 5555

Let's see what kind of reaction I get to this. 

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