I have been pondering a number of issues today as I have decided to take a long hard look at this blog of mine.
There comes a time when you have ask yourself some hard questions.
What if I'm taking this all too seriously? What if, I can't see the simple answer to the question and the arguments I put up are only there to bolster my inflated self worth.
What if my constant bleating about how I have the right answer is just a lot of hot air and what I really want is just to have some attention? Look at me, I care about graffiti! I have community spirit that is way bigger than yours. What's that? You volunteer with the Salvation Army? Please, don't even think that's going to impress me. Here's some photo's of rubbish I took today...
What if...there really isn't anyone reading this? That the conversational tone I've taken in the this blog is actually just mindless drivel bouncing from my brain to the keyboard. I mean, have I made this blog to service the community or to service my ego?
Does anyone I've spoken to remember me as someone wanting to make a difference in the local community or am I that nutcase going on about graffiti again?
Am I doing this because deep down, I want these large corporations to come to me for help? Do I need their attention so much?
All valid questions and something I'll just have to take into consideration.....
Wait, I'm looking at the wrong blog...
Here's my blog... awesome, nothing wrong here. Feel sorry for that other guy. He needs some help.
One Saturday in early January, I went for a one hour walk around the
neighbourhood - found and reported one vandalised sports ground, 5
vandalised Austral...
13 years ago
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