Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lazy Sunday....'s been a while since I posted anything here. Primarily it's because my all-in-one printer/scanner has broken and I really wanted to start adding some of the letters I get back to this blog.

Boy, you should see some of the responses I get!

But, alas...broken scanner...

Anyways, I've taken some time today to reflect on some of the victories and non-victories I have had since this blog started.

I've noticed people are look at me in a new light since I started this blog. There isn't a business in the Inner West that I haven't walked in and demanded they take action on graffiti that I have found near their stores. Now, when they see me walking down the street...the look on their face says it all. I call the look 'respect'.

The most galling non-victory of all is that the Lady at Number 45 still lives. That's it.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Police and why they just don't get it

I was going to blog about how the Police don't seem to have clue about tackling Graffiti Crime, but a more pressing matter has come to hand.

The condition of the Australian Flag at my local Police Station.

I had noticed it was tangled up in the branches of a beautiful 150 year old tree. A few letters later and we had butchered the limbs to the point that the flag could fly once again! Huzzah!

But to my dismay, the flag that I demand others fight for on my behalf, was in no fit condition to fly. Some may think this is taking it to the extreme, but when I look at it, I think of the Battle of Waterloo. Well, there were no photographs of the battle for me to compare them, but I've seen pictures of paintings depicting the close enough.

How it breaks my heart to look up and be reminded of the futile loss of life all those years ago in a country so far away. Those brave men of Mother England.

I will not rest until a new flag is in place. Maybe one with a bigger Union Jack on it and god help them if they try to put one of those Aboriginal flags up there.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


After a long and sometimes fruitless campaign. VICTORY

So sweet....all the graffiti cleared, abandoned cars towed, burnt and dumped in the OUTER West, rubbish picked up and dumped in the OUTER West and most importantly...that lady in number 45 was put into a home yesterday. Sweet Victory.

Never fear, I'm planning a book tour explaining to everyone how I single handedly managed to clean up the Inner West. I'd show photos of clean electricity kiosks and parks clear of rubbish...but that would be a like me trying to justify I actually had some kind of impact...I really did..honest. It's not like this stuff was done without my input. I mean like any company thought of cleaning their own assets before I started this. Ha!

So...ah...what do I do now?

Start a blog on how Graffiti in the Inner West will bring down the NSW Labour Party? Everything else they have done over the past few years has nothing to do with their low standing among's gotta be graffiti...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have just had a response to a letter I sent. A letter to 'A big company' about the lack of effort on their part to clean graffiti off their equipment.

Get this.

They responded with a well reasoned and completely satisfactory explanation regarding their policy on graffiti. They encourage their staff to report graffiti and welcome feedback from customers. They have clean up crews in place that carry out regular maintenance on their equipment.

What am I supposed to do with that?

I need something to rant about!

Maybe if I ignore the majority of the letter and focus on one particular section. God, even a few random words.

Got it.

Why, oh why don't they threaten their staff with the sack if they don't report graffiti? Hmmm. How hard would it be?

Feel much better now.